Churches across America, both big and small, have planned the novelty experience of a helicopter dropping Easter eggs from the sky.

One is Beaverdam Baptist Church in Virginia. Its pastor, Gary Stewart said, “We’re out in the middle of a rural area, miles from anything civilized, but we like to think big and trust God for him to give us his vision and endeavors to get engaged in.”

Beaverdam Baptist Church has a weekly attendance of about 250, but when a church member called a helicopter pilot, who was also a friend, the church was able to arrange the large-scale event for free.

Stewart said, “We’re excited to invite people out to have a good time with their kids, everybody who joins us will hear about the true meaning of Easter as we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.”

On average, egg drops cost about $400 to $800, according to a spokesperson for Platinum Helicopters. The company has about half a dozen egg drop events booked this Easter season.

Not everyone is a fan of the conspicuous display.

Professor Jeremy Berg asked in a blog post, “Is this an appropriate way to celebrate the true meaning and message of Easter? Are we sending mixed messages?” 

Pastor, Author and New Testament professor Scott McKnight pointed out, “Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus, about the launching of new creation. Conflating egg drops with the sacred event of the resurrection pollutes the Gospel message.”