Nicole Solas says she’s been sued by the National Education Association as part of a years-long campaign to find out what her child is being taught in public school.

Solas said the disagreement started after she made public information requests on the contents of the school districts curriculum.

First she was met with pushback to her requests, until eventually she was sued by the Teacher’s Union, which is the most powerful in the country.

Part of the clash with educators came when she asked staffers at her child’s school whether or not they were teaching students radical gender theory. 

Eventually, the assistant principal at Solas’ five-year-old daughter’s elementary school, Amanda Pawelski, and Poudre School District Chief Equity Officer, Marlena Gross-Taylor, were caught in leaked emails discussing using a students’ preferred pronouns behind their parents’ back.

In fact, the Executive Director of the Union encouraged teachers and administrators to get Nicole kicked off Twitter. 

The leaked emails and other documents were allegedly provided to Solas by a middle school math teacher. The school district dismissed the mothers’ requests as being “part of a well coordinated effort from outside groups with outdated thinking who want to push for inaccurate lessons to fuel division.”

After being hit with dozens of requests from Solas, the school board threatened to sue, bringing up the concerned mother’s name during a ‘secret’ meeting held to figure out how to handle the mom’s questions. The union has since made good on their lawsuit threat.