Christopher Wray spoke briefly about the attacks that have taken place across the country in the wake and aftermath of the Court’s ruling on abortion during a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing last week.

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott began the dialogue about the attacks by saying, “It appears that the DOJ [Department of Justice] have become politicized with regard to pro-life things. There’s a recent rise in high-profile FBI investigations of pro-life Americans, which raises the current concern that the FBI is weaponizing federal law enforcement and becoming a partisan tool.”

Scott was referring to the number of fire bombings, violent attacks, acts of vandalism against churches, pro-life organizations, and crisis pregnancy centers in the days following the leak of the Dobbs opinion. 

Here’s how Wray responded…. “I’m glad you raised this topic, because it gives me an opportunity to speak to it. You might be interested to know that since the Dobbs Act decision, probably in the neighborhood of 70% of our abortion-related violence cases or threats cases are cases of violence or threats against pro-life, where the victims are pro-life organizations.”

“I don’t care what side of the issue you are on; you don’t get to engage in violence,” he continued. “We are equal opportunity when it comes to that.”

He claimed the FBI addressing the attacks through the Joint Terrorism Task Forces and other authorities.