Joshua Broome, a pastor who left a lucrative career in pornography, says walking with God and being fruitful to his kingdom is a daily process—one that leads to purpose, freedom, and purity of heart. Broome, who leads The Good News Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, recently spoke with Richard De La Mora on the Let’s Talk Purity podcast. 

Broome spent six years in the porn industry. The career brought him success and wealth as well as feelings of profound isolation and worthlessness. After walking away, he struggled to find a job and maintain relationships.

But now Broome is married and has two children. He often travels to speak about purity, recently leading chapel for the Los Angeles Chargers. In a September 7 Facebook Live post, Broome requested prayers for his first trip to Hollywood in almost 10 years, where he’d be stepping into “the tension of people remembering me for who I used to be.”

On the podcast, Broome emphasized that the Christian walk is a “step by step” process. “Like Joseph in Genesis,” he says, “we must be patient and allow God to refine us and prepare us for what he has planned next.”

Broome says he struggled with wanting to be accepted and approved. But then he focused on Psalm 23, including David’s message “I shall not want.” He needed a reminder that “it’s not about me; it’s about furthering [God’s] kingdom.”

That’s important for pastors, says Broome, because “in ministry, there’s a lot of big wins, but that’s not every day. He said ministers need a “Caleb” to offer support and perspective.