Homeschool Awakening is not a public school “bash session.” While it does point out problems in the public school system the film is primarily a positive portrayal of homeschooling, backed by upbeat music.

The film features 17 families that Cameron interviewed about their experience with homeschooling.  “Parents are wanting hope,” Cameron told Crosswalk. “They’re looking for answers.”

Homeschool Awakening was made for moms and dads who want to homeschool their children but don’t know where to start.

In the film, you’ll see families balance their work-life with their homeschool life. And the message that comes through – “there is no right or wrong way.” 

You’ll also hear from children who are homeschooled. One girl says she enjoys not being forced into a mold. Homeschooling, she says, allows her creativity to flourish. 

Another child says he enjoys incorporating his interests – learning to fly a glider plane – in his weekly school activities. 

And, the movie was made by Cameron, a Homeschool Father. The subject of homeschooling is near to his heart. 

Although the Camerons’ six children attended a private school for their first six grades, they were homeschooled thereafter. The private school they attended did not have classes for grades seven and up.

As one expert in the film says, “Our ancestors have been educating their own children for thousands of years. God put those children in your care. … There’s nobody better qualified than you.”

Homeschooling, Cameron said, is “about parents taking charge of their kids’ education.”