Kenyan-born Pastor Christian Lwanda was among the speakers at the final Together for the Gospel conference, where he urged pastors and ministry leaders not to rely on outside forces, no matter how well equipped, to do God’s work. 

Lwanda, who’s an associate pastor at the Evangelical Community Church of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, preached on the last day of the TG4 conference, which brought together church leaders from 62 countries and every state in the U.S., and encouraged them to “persist in the Word.” 

He added“If pastors are going to have confidence in God’s Word to do God’s work, they need to persist in the Word, preach the Word, and be prepared by the Word to stand before the Judge of their ministries.” 

Earlier in the sermon, Lwanda quoted 2 Timothy 3:14, where the Apostle Paul encourages Timothy to stand firm in the Scripture even though he was among “false teachers who deny, twist the Word, reject the pattern of sound doctrine that comes from the Word.”  

The Bible is made not just for the congregation, but also for pastors, Lwanda stressed, adding that “we don’t need to rely on something else to do the work of God other than the Word of God.”  

Lwanda described the Bible as “sufficient to unite divided Christians in any culture.”