An essential part of our walk in faith is gathering together. It seems simple. We take it for granted. But the body of Christ isn’t an idea. It’s a real community, and our walk with Christ starts with the relationships that spring out of our time shared with fellow believers.

That’s why our local churches are such an important part of our life as Christians, but church attendance is dropping: About one in four Americans attend worship once to twice a month, and the rest even less. Trends indicate that only the larger churches are growing, while smaller churches continue to shrink.

One answer is to focus on children – our future. And one way to focus on kids is with Day camps. Campers make memories that last them a lifetime, memories that they carry with them everywhere. They’re the key to healthy communities. Build them up, and they will build up everything around them.

Stephen Moore, the Director of WinShape Camps for Communities, says he’s heard stories of mothers starting to attend church because their children went to a camp. 

He’s heard stories of leadership on the brink of retirement coming back refreshed, hopeful, and recommitted. And he’s heard stories of kids making new friends in the church and becoming active, thriving parts of the community. 

Day camps offer a chance to radically transform the lives and hearts of children, a chance to renew local churches and revive the God-given mission of countless church leaders. It’s a chance to gather in God’s name.