Deborah Haddix of the Christian Grandparenting Network offers several ways to show God’s love:

  • First, BE PRESENT

Share God’s love with your grandchildren by sharing yourself. It speaks volumes to our grandchildren when we take the time to be present with them. Put away your phone and turn off your screens. Turn your attention to your grandchildren and give it to them freely and undivided. Let your grandchildren choose an activity for you to do together or simply spend your time sitting and talking.


Attend competitions and special events when you’re able. Be a FaceTime practice audience. Offer financial assistance if it is within your means. However it looks for you, be your grandchild’s biggest cheerleader!


In God’s remarkable khesed, he listens to us. He’s never too busy, distracted, or disinterested. Share God’s love with your grandchildren by taking the time to listen to them without preaching, judging, or trying to fix the problem.

  • And finally, EXTEND COMPASSION

When we develop a track record of listening to our grandchildren without preaching, judging, or trying to fix the problem, they feel more freedom to come to us and share their struggles. As they do, we can share God’s love with them by extending compassion. 

Haddix reminds grandparents, It’s our responsibility and privilege to intentionally share God’s love with our grandchildren.