Grammy Award-winning band Casting Crowns recently released an anthem called “Crazy People” in which the group calls on listeners to embrace their faith in Christ even though it can appear “crazy” to the secular world. 

“Crazy People” is featured on the band’s latest album, Healer, released early this year. Recorded during government-mandated lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic, frontman and songwriter Mark Hall said he wrote songs for the moment. 

The band wanted their new album to feature Scripture-laden music that challenges listeners to “seek true healing from Jesus, the only Healer we need.”

In a new video explaining the story behind the song, Hall referenced the Apostle Paul’s writing in 1 Corinthians 1:18, which reads: “The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, only seen through faith.”

Hall said that when writing the song, he chose Hebrews 11 to illustrate the “crazy faith” of the early Christians.

He said, “I think all the people that we would consider heroes in the Bible, the things that they would do, the steps that they would take to follow a guy that they’ve never seen. The world sees that as crazy and I say, this world could use some more crazy!” 

The artist ended the video with a charge for his listeners. “It’s going to take us stepping out of the ordinary and doing stuff somebody might just call crazy,” adding – “Maybe it’s time you get crazy!”