Focus on the Family spearheaded its eighth annual Bring Your Bible to School Day as students were emboldened to share the word of God with their classmates.

The purpose of the occasion was to have students “read and treasure Scripture as God’s Holy Word, to encourage others with the hope we have in Christ Jesus, and to celebrate religious freedom in the United States.” 

Focus on the Family Program Manager Bret Eckelberry said in a statement….“This annual campaign…..opens doors for students to talk to their friends about the gospel. It connects them with other believers in their school.”

Focus on the Family‘s Vice President of Parenting and Youth Danny Huerta told The Christian Post that it was too early to say whether participation in this year’s event surpassed the more than 514,000 students who participated last year. 

However, he noted that this year’s registration totals “surpassed last year’s registration numbers.”

Huerta said that while the bulk of participants in Bring Your Bible to School Day were high school and junior high school students, but students can participate all through college.

In the past, students attempting to participate in Bring Your Bible to School Day have faced headwinds from school staff despite their established right to do so.

Huerta told CP that the religious liberty law firm Alliance Defending Freedom can be a resource for students that have faced that adversity.