According to The U.S. Sun, the discovery was made by archeologists associated with the project Noah’s Ark Scans. The team used ground-penetrating radar to probe the site where the boat-shaped formation was found.

Andrew Jones, who led the project, believes that the formation matches the biblical description of Noah’s ark. 

He told The Sun“This is not what you would expect to see if this site is just a solid block of rock or an accumulation of random debris from a mudflow. But these results are what you would expect to see if this is a man-made boat matching the Biblical requirements of Noah’s Ark.” 

The boat formation is also believed to be the “exact length” of the ark, which is around 150 meters, or 300 cubits in Biblical terms.

Despite the ground-breaking discovery, some geologists say that the site is an unusual rock formation and not Noah’s ark.

But Ryan Mauro, president of the Doubting Thomas Research Foundation, which is part of the project, says that the new findings further support the historical authenticity of the biblical ark.

The site was first discovered in 1959 but new technology called ground penetrating radar ia showing layers and interesting angular structures below the ground that are not consistent with natural geological formation.

A scientific study of the area is planned for this year.