Who says there’s no civility left on airline travel?  Today, the story of a helpful stranger.

These days, it seems that the majority of airline news involve aggressive passengers, predatory airline practices and horrible service.

But one Arkansas stay-at-home mom and a fellow traveler recently proved there is still hope for experiencing comfortable travel – and the kindness of strangers. Mother of two Jessica Rudeen was flying for the first time with both her toddlers.

Her fears were realized when her 4-month-old wouldn’t stop screaming. That caused her 3 year old to do the same. Jessica was afraid she’d be kicked off the plane.

Enter everyday hero Todd Walker, who was seated next to Rudeen and her children.

The father of two, who frequently flies for work, did not roll his eyes, nor did he become irritated. Instead he did something very different – he decided to help, taking 4-month-old Alexander on his lap, which allowed the anxious mother to calm 3-year-old Caroline down and get her ready for the flight.

Then, Jessica took Alex back to feed him, as the baby’s hunger was the source of his fussiness. But while Jessica cared for Alex, Todd continued helping even though “the back of the plane no longer had screams.”

Todd entertained Caroline throughout the flight, colored with her, and the two new best friends even watched a movie together. The 4-year-old was utterly enchanted with Todd, even giving him a kiss on the shoulder. “By the end of the flight, he was Caroline’s best friend”.

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