Tim Tebow is known for his athletic abilities and acting skills. He is not, however, known for writing children’s books. That is, until now. In a recent interview with Christian Headlines, Tebow shared that his decision to write a children’s book stemmed from his desire to share Christ with children.

Tebow made it clear that he has a deep desire for all people to come to a saving knowledge of Christ, but he especially wants children to understand that they have been given a purpose by God. 

Tebow recalled learning this lesson as a young boy, himself. As a child his mother would read to him at night. He said“Every night my mother would read to me stories that would inspire me to live for God.” This is exactly what Tebow wants kids to feel when they read Bronco and Friends.

The story of Bronco and Friends centers on Tebow’s dog, Bronco. Bronco’s main goal throughout the story is to point kids to their purpose and design in life. At the same time, the story encourages children to understand and deal with their uniqueness. 

This uniqueness may manifest as typical issues that kids deal with or special needs they may have. Tebow is personally committed to empowering parents with special needs kids to understand the community better.

This sweet story of animals with different challenges and abilities is core to Tim Tebow’s message to fans and friends of any age who have special needs.