In an article for the Christian Grandparenting Network, Terri Sherrow writes that “Christmas is a special and magical time of year, filled with family traditions and warm memories. It is a time of singing carols, lighting the Christmas tree, putting out decorations, lighting the Advent candles, exchanging gifts, and rejoicing in the birth of our Lord and Savior. During a time when presents and Santa can dominate conversations, it’s hard sometimes to make sure we don’t miss out on the true reason we are celebrating Christmas.” 

Sherrow says her favorite tradition was reading the Christmas Story on Christmas Day just before opening presents. Its a tradition she’s passed on to her daughter and her family.

When her grandson was three years old, she added a nativity set to the reading of the Scripture. As each character was introduced, they were added to the scene. 

She writes, “The reason for celebrating Christmas brought a whole new meaning that day. Looking at the birth of Christ through my grandson’s little eyes let me see beyond the night of our Savior’s birth to where He is now. Luke 2:10 tells us the angels said, ‘… I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.’ The good news is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and His truth produces the joy in our lives. 

Sherrow’s grandson is now 17 and the family still puts baby Jesus on top of the stable as a reminder that our Lord, Jesus Christ, is in heaven waiting for us.