Northern Indiana’s Plymouth Baptist Church is experiencing tough times, with fewer attendees and dollars than its pre-pandemic prime. But the congregation of three dozen’s commitment to looking to the harvest of souls has touched thousands of lives in Pakistan.

Executive Pastor Doug Dieterly told The Christian Post, “When circumstances get more difficult, the tendency is to focus inwardly. We wanted to be sure our focus was outward, to see what God was doing elsewhere.”

He asked the church to pray for a connection to a Christian work in a foreign country, and members readily responded, having gone through Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God several times as a body. 

God answered the congregation’s prayer through a visitor who told Plymouth Baptist about a missionary to Pakistan he supported. Church members felt God move on their hearts to support work in the country, which is 96% Muslim. 

The church had been helping supply Bibles overseas in foreign languages. But now they were getting requests for the Blackaby book as well.

They had 22 pastors and Sunday school teachers from churches in Pakistan who wanted to go through the study if they could get the needed materials.

The project cost $3,500 at a time when Plymouth Baptist was perilously close to a zero balance in the bank at times. So the church held a tent sale over two days that raised the needed amount without a dollar to spare.