Dennis Rowe is a police officer in Hapeville, Georgia. He was working an off-duty job recently when he noticed a man walking home from work on a scorching summer day.

The man was Craig Magby, a Walmart employee who until recently used his new bicycle to get to and from work. He always locked his bike up at Walmart, but one day he came out after his shift to find both the bike and the lock gone.

Officer Rowe says Magby was “kind of hot and sweaty,” and he knew how difficult it must be to endure the Georgia heat before and after working a full day. As they talked, he started thinking about the brand new bike he’d bought himself for a camping trip just months before. The bike was now sitting in his driveway barely used, and he had no plans to take a biking trip anytime soon.

The following Monday, Officer Rowe turned up at Magby’s work and gifted him the bike. The present turned out to be the answer to Magby’s prayers!

Magby said, “I had talked to God about it. He was like consider it done and he sent Officer Rowe my way. I’m grateful, thankful.”

Officer Rowe says the pleasure was all his. The fact that he had something he didn’t even use that could positively impact someone’s life really resonated with him.

Rowe said  — “It was just part of the way I was raised, the way I was brought up, to give back and to give where I can. I knew that I had to make that happen for him.”