As congregations return to in-person services, they’ll have an incredible window of opportunity to make positive changes.

Thom Rainer lists five reasons why churches have a new and exciting opportunity to minister post quarantine.

First, Church members are more unified in the midst of the challenges. This crisis has brought our congregations together. God is preparing them to move in greater passion and obedience to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

Second, Our congregations have been exposed to a variety of worship experiences. Many of them look and sound nothing like their own. Their world has expanded for the better.

Next, Many church members have already made changes. For example, Rainer tells the story of an older believer who now gives online, a place he previously considered the abode of the devil. They will likely be receptive and prepared for even more change. 

Fourth, The community is more receptive. In most communities, those who don’t attend church have been watching streaming worship services. The window of opportunity is wide open in these communities. 

Finally, Church members are anticipating and celebrating re-gathering in person. They are more in the mood of joy and celebration rather than complaining and nitpicking. They are not taking their churches for granted anymore. 

Rainer says, If past major events are indicative, this window of opportunity will remain open for several months to a year.

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