With his love for video games and petty arguments with his older sister, Jack Rico might seem like any other 13-year-old.

But Rico is anything but average: the teenager just graduated with four associate’s degrees — and he did it in just two years.

Majoring in one study is difficult enough, but the baby faced teen earned associate’s degrees in history, human expression, social behavior and social science, while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.

Rico told CNN — “I just love learning new stuff. I love knowing more about the world and all the different things we could study.”

The community college has about 21,000 students from various backgrounds and walks of life. But Rico can’t help but stick out from the crowd.

Fullerton College President Greg Schulz said “It is not typical to have such a young student take classes, so Jack is pretty well known on the Fullerton College campus. Jack is wise beyond his years, and I’m so pleased that he found a home and place to excel at Fullerton College.”

If you’re dying to know the secret method to the young marvel’s accomplishments, Rico said there isn’t one. Just good old time management and listening to your instructors.

The next step for Rico is to continue studying history at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he received a full ride.

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