NFL star Ben Watson with the help of some Christian groups is supporting churches at risk of closing due to COVID-19

The Churches Helping Churches Challenge seeks to assist congregations in low-income communities in urban areas that have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 economic shutdown.

In an interview with The Christian Post, NFL player Ben Watson, national spokesman for the initiative, cited statistics from a recent Barna Group survey revealing that six to nine percent of pastors are unsure or not confident that their church will survive the coronavirus pandemic.

Forty-two percent of pastors said giving was “significantly” down and 28 percent said it was “slightly” down. Only around a quarter said it stayed the same.

Additionally, nearly a quarter of American churches have already reduced staff hours, reduced compensation or laid off employees.

Watson said — “The Bible talks a lot about caring for the ‘least of these,’ and in many ways, that’s referring to the church. As the body of Christ, we all suffer when one suffers. Many churches won’t make it through this. As believers, it’s our honor and duty to support one another. This initiative is a way we can do just that.”

The Churches Helping Churches Initiative creates a Coronavirus At-Risk Church Relief Fund that provides $3,000 grants to small churches that are at risk of closing within the next three months. 

The initial goal of the fund is to raise $500,000 that will go directly to at-risk churches.