James Ingley of Tulsa couldn’t imagine living in a world without his brother, Dalton.

The identical siblings have always shared that unique connection only twins know, even after they ended up in different states. So, when James learned his brother’s life was in danger a few years back, he drastically changed his own to save Dalton.

At 25 Dalton received a shocking piece of news. An annual physical required by his job in Pennsylvania revealed he had extremely high blood pressure.

It turned out to be a kidney issue.

That “kidney issue” became stage three kidney failure. Dalton began dialysis in 2017. The next year, doctors told him he’d need a kidney transplant.


Dalton knew his best chance was James. James would likely be a perfect match, meaning Dalton wouldn’t have to worry about his body rejecting his brother’s kidney.

Dalton said –“I don’t think I ever really did ask him to donate. He automatically said yes.”

The only problem was that James wasn’t physically ready for surgery. At 299 pounds, he needed to lose weight first. The traveling hotel manager who used to get by on fast food began working exclusively at one location and incorporated healthier foods into his diet. That plus a regular exercise regimen led to a 60-pound loss in just four months!

The transplant took place in May 2018. Just as doctors suspected, James was a perfect match. 

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