Yesterday we gave you a few ways to tell if an open door is from God.  We’ll add to that list today. 

Here are some additional ways to see God’s hand in opportunities. And once again these thoughts come from Victoria Riollano writing for I

Discomfort in Your Current Situation

If you are experiencing a high level of discomfort in your current situation, this open door may be God’s opportunity to release you from your peril. This does not mean that discomfort is a sign you’re in the wrong place. God uses struggle and suffering to sharpen and refine us, and birth something new.

Next, Opportunities You Didn’t Ask for

There are times when God blesses you and you don’t see it coming. Your obedience, giftings and humble spirit simply opened doors that you didn’t have to ask for. Some open doors are so huge that if you knew ahead of time you would allow doubt and your personal insecurities to sabotage your open door.

God Speaks in a Dream

Throughout the Bible, we see that the Lord speaks in dreams. It’s in these moments where we cannot object or stand in the way that God can minster to our hearts. Rather than dismissing your dreams as random thoughts of the day, keep a journal and write out what you can recall in the morning. The Lord may be speaking about your next opportunity, you just may be too distracted to perceive it. 

And It Blesses Others

This can be tricky at times. Take a moment to evaluate how walking through this door will positively or negatively affect others.