The Freedom From Religion Foundation is going after Texas Judge Tammy Kemp after she shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger.

Guyger, a four-year veteran of the police department, had just been convicted of killing her neighbor. She had entered Botham Jean’s apartment last year thinking it was her own and shot the man twice.

After sentencing, Judge Kemp, a devout Christian, left the courtroom and came back with a copy of the Bible. She presented it to the convicted murderer.

She said — “You can have [my Bible]. I have three or four more at home. This is the one I use everyday. This is your job for the next month. Right here. John: 3:16. And this is where you start, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life,” the judge told the former police officer.


“He has a purpose for you. This will strengthen you. You just need a tiny mustard seed of faith. You start with this,” she continued.

And then the convicted killer and the judge embraced.

It was a quite extraordinary moment.

But the Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a formal complaint with the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct alleging Judge Kemp violated the law.

First Liberty Institute, a law firm that specializes in religious liberty cases told Starnes media—

“FFRF is protesting Judge Kemp rather than joining the rest of the nation celebrating the compassion and mercy Judge Kemp demonstrated,”“We should all be thankful the law allows Judge Kemp’s actions and we stand with her and will gladly lead the charge in defending her noble and legal actions.”

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