A business in Statesville, North Carolina is defying state officials by continuing to fly a Giant American Flag Despite $11k in Fines.

Memorial Day was a time to remember and honor those who gave their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces. But thats not important to the city officials of Statesville, North Carolina. They are suing an RV company for flying an American flag in honor of veterans.

According to city officials, the flag flying above the Gander Outdoors building is too large and violates their city codes, which has resulted in a law suit against the company.

Gander RV, a Camping World location, has had the 40-by-80-foot flag flying outside their location as a salute to those who have served in the United States military.


In October, the city notified the RV company to tell them to take their flag down. 

When the company refused, Statesville began to fine them $50 a day, which has now racked up to around $11,000.

Marcus Lemonis, CEO and chairman of Camping World and Gander RV said, “I don’t care if it goes to $500 a day, it’s not coming down.”

Lemonis told WSOC that Camping World has flags of such magnitude all over the country, and Statesville is the only city to have a problem with it.

Gander Outdoors has launched an online petition at Change.org. It has already garnered over 100,000 signatures.

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