Pennsylvania Democrats declare Allah is fine… Jesus is not.

In March, State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz was invited to deliver a prayer at the beginning of the legislative day. Mrs. Borowicz, a freshman lawmaker and the wife of a Christian minister, gladly accepted the invitation.


By chance, the state’s first female Muslim lawmaker was scheduled to be sworn into office on the same day. There were many Muslim visitors in attendance. Also on the agenda was a prayer that was delivered by a Muslim cleric.

But it was Mrs. Borowicz’s prayer that made national headlines when she invoked the name of Jesus Christ numerous times.

“Jesus, you are our only hope,” she prayed. “At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus, that you are Lord.”

Movita Johnson-Harrell, who was sworn into office after the prayer, and her fellow Democrats were enraged, calling the prayer demeaning, degrading and Islamophobic.

Gov. Tom Wolf, also a Democrat, said he was “horrified” by Borowicz’s invocation.

Mrs. Borowicz faced a national firestorm of hate fomented by the Mainstream Media and Democrats. But their outrage was rather selective. Just a few minutes after the Christian prayer, a Muslim cleric delivered a prayer in Arabic and reportedly quoted from the Koran.

There was no condemnation from Democrats or the Mainstream Media even though the Muslim prayed to a higher power.

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