A McDonald’s employee with Down Syndrome is retiring af 32 years on the job.

Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal disorder, and is marked by cognitive delays as well as specific physical traits, though not always.


The struggles that those with Down Syndrome go through can be daunting. However, one man with the disorder refused to let it set his limitations for him.

Russell O’Grady is a special guy who never let other’s judgement define who he was. He didn’t let the haters get to him. Because of his attitude and drive, he has become an inspiration to many, simply by putting on a uniform and going to work every day. 

O’Grady began his career at McDonald’s in 1986. At the time, many businesses did not employ workers with disabilities.

O’Grady aimed to change that.

He wanted to remove the stigma that persists around people with special needs. The idea that they have nothing to contribute is blatantly wrong.

O’Grady started working at the local McDonald’s when he was 18, and held the job for the next 32 years!

O’Grady’s managers described him as kind and compassionate. His friendly nature is immediately obvious to anyone who spends time with him. Every customer who took the time to talk to him was enriched by the experience. In fact, he was a customer favorite.

He was also one of the best workers his restaurant had, and his fellow staff members are sad to see him go.

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