As we get ready to celebrate Dads this weekend, James Dobson reminds us that every father has regrets.

Dobson writes,

“We can no more be perfect parents than we can be perfect human beings. The task of raising kids in a fast-paced world is infinitely complex, and life itself takes a toll on our good intentions. But kids are resilient, and they usually manage to turn out rather well. Remember that the Creator in the Garden of Eden also had “children” who were rebellious. In that instance, Adam and Eve had no television, pornography, bad peers, or other unsavory influences to lead them astray. And yet they were headstrong and went their own way. It is the nature of mankind.” Dobson says, “It would be a mistake for you to wallow in guilt for everything your children do wrong.


Kids are exposed to many harmful influences today. It is impossible to shield them from everything negative. We do the best we can to guide them down today’s River of Culture and try to keep them from drowning. To blame yourself for everything disappointing that you see in your children is not biblical, not reasonable, and not fair. On the other hand, it is inappropriate for parents to take the credit for everything good in their children. Each individual is a free moral agent who is able to make independent decisions.”

Dobson says, “Continue to show love to them, and when your advice is asked for, give it thoughtfully. Your job now is to pray earnestly for the spiritual welfare of your children.”

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