An actor in the movie ‘God’s Not Dead’ asks why Hollywood ignores 100M churchgoers.

“God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness” actor and filmmaker David A.R. White has asked why Hollywood ignores large sections of the American churchgoing population, especially when the country faces “dark” and “divisive” times.


In a Fox and Friends interview, White said,

“What has made the ‘God’s Not Dead’ franchise really connect [with] people is that it opens up conversations in a lot of different ways. We are living in this dark, socio-political divisive time, when it seems like a lot of people are yelling and no one is listening. Hopefully what this film will do is connect people and open up those conversations,”

The movie opened in theaters last week.

White pointed out that Hollywood largely ignores faith-based audiences despite how large the demographic in America is.

The producer noted that the latest “God’s Not Dead” installment tackles challenging questions, such as whether God is good all the time. At the end, he said that the mission is to get people to communicate with each other, and to “stop yelling and start listening.”

The first installment of “God’s Not Dead” was a box office success, earning around $9.2 million its opening weekend in 2014. The sequel earned $7.6 million its opening weekend. The third installment earned $2.6 million this past weekend.


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