Sometimes changing jobs can be good for your career. Here are several reasons to change jobs often — at least every three to five years — if you want to grow your flame high and advance as fast as possible in your career.

The list comes from Here are a few….

When you stay in the same organization, you gradually lose touch with the outside world.

Your field of vision constricts and you begin to focus on internal priorities rather than focusing on the larger world outside your company’s walls. One of the biggest dangers of staying a job too long is that you fall behind what is happening in your industry and the wide world beyond it.


The longer you stay in one company — even if you change jobs internally — the more set and solid your box will become.

The more often and more fearlessly you step out of your comfort zone, the more your comfort zone will expand. If you don’t actively enlarge your comfort zone all the time, you will become your own worst enemy.

The more companies you work for, the more your reputation in your business community can grow.

The more companies you work for, the more people you will know. The more companies you work for, the more comfortable you will be walking into new business situations and figuring out what’s important.

And It can feel uncomfortable to be incompetent. It is easy to forget that we learn the most when we are least competent. As soon as we know a job, part of our brain goes to sleep.

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