A new year will soon be upon us….maybe you’ve set a goal of being more active in 2018. Today we have some tips to help you get there.

Melissa Drake wrote an online blog with the suggestions…here they are.

Stay Connected—Maintain contacts with friends, family, and former business associates if you’re retired. Also, don’t forget to expand your circle and make new contacts. Getting out of the house to have lunch, dinner and/or collaboration meetings are a fantastic way to maintain connections, break up what can seem like monotonous days and get some steps in. Bonus points if you meet others for walks, hikes, or active dates like discovering a local farmer’s market.


Move Your Body—Complete some form of exercise you enjoy each day. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous. It can be a walk with your dog, your children, your spouse or your grandchildren, or a walk around the mall. You could also try dance, yoga, TaiChi, or simple stretching exercises to keep your body limber.

Challenge Yourself—Just as you exercise your body, your brain could use a good workout as well. Keep your brain active by reading or doing puzzles like crosswords. There are games designed to keep your brain active and help with hand-eye coordination.

Explore—Literally. Explore the world, your state, and your town. Travel as much as you can and experience things in a new way. If you’re not able to travel far, check out the areas of your own town you haven’t experienced.

And Expand Your Interests—Remember all those things you wanted to do, like painting, writing, visiting family more often… or even something daring such as skydiving? You should do them. Make your bucket list and start doing the things you’ve listed. If not now, when?

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