
If you have a son you want to make sure you do all you can to help him grow up to be a good man.  Today, we’ve got some tips to help you accomplish that goal.

Rick Johnson, writing for Focus on the Family says a man’s primary role is to provide for, protect, and be in relationship with his family. That role requires a man to develop character.

He realizes many have been involved with men who did not live up to their primary roles, and consequently, their sons may not have had an ideal role model. So he offers a list that he compiled with the help of single moms detailing many of the qualities that make a good man: 

First – Perseverance. Greatness is born by perseverance in the face of adversity. Few things worth doing are ever easy.

Next – Courage. Teach your son to lead courageously, to stand by his convictions even when they may result in pain, sorrow or negative consequences.

Then – Compassion. Point out everyday examples of bullies, and explain to your son the ramifications for everyone involved in each scenario.

Another is Self-discipline and self-control. They are different yet inexplicably interwoven. Self-discipline is doing something we don’t want to do but should. Self-control is not doing something we want to but shouldn’t.

And finally – Honesty.  Let your son know that you expect honesty from him at all times, even when he has made bad choices — then model that behavior yourself.  And remind him, A man who is honest with himself is honest with others.

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