
Does your heart break for a lost child?  One that has strayed from the faith. Today, six ways to love a wayward child.

Denise Kohlmeyer, writing an article for Desiring God, uses the parable of the prodigal son to find six principles that will help parents of prodigals.

First, Release Them. When confronted by the son’s demand for his inheritance, the father did not refuse him. He did not put up a fight or speak a word of warning, even though he certainly could have done so. He simply complied. Releasing him to step into his own journey.

Next, Accept Them. This son made poor choices — very poor choices. In the end, he was left destitute and desperate. God is sovereign over their will, but their parents are not and hopefully one day they will choose Jesus.

Uphold Them in prayer that the Holy Spirit will stir in their heart and awaken an unbearable desire to “go to her Father,” repent, and be wonderfully restored.

Fourth, Wait for Them….for as long as it takes. Scripture doesn’t say how long the prodigal’s father waited. But he waited every day. Expectantly. Prayerfully. Hopefully.

Next, Receive Them. With God’s help, embrace and announce forgiveness, restoration, and unconditional love.

And finally Celebrate Them. Repentant of sins. Restored in salvation. But now Home. For good. It was indeed a cause for celebration. What other response could there be?

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