An active prayer life is essential to living a successful Christian life….so how can parents instill the discipline of prayer in the lives of their children?

Authors Gregory and Marina Slayton say that prayer is the most effective, but underutilized, spiritual weapon Christians have. In an oped piece in the Christian Post they wrote how parents need to model the biblical imperative to pray without ceasing.

Marina, author of the new book Be The Best Mom You Can Be, writes, “It’s ok when we forget or get distracted, just get back to prayer asap. We can go about our daily business, but with a prayer on our heart and praise on our lips. Give it a try this whole week…and see what happens. Prayer is a powerful key that unlocks huge doors of spiritual blessing. But like every key, this one must be used to open those doors of blessing.”

Gregory, the former U.S. Ambassador to Bermuda and author of the best-selling book Be a Better Dad Today: Ten Tools Every Father Needs adds, “I won’t pretend to know how prayer works—or how the LORD works through prayer. But I have seen lives changed, marriages healed, cancer cured and blessings unleashed. But I also now realize that miraculous answers are only part of the blessing of prayer. And we need to be honest, miraculous answers don’t happen all the time. But there is a blessing that always comes from sincere and heart felt prayer: true peace in one’s soul.”

The Bible says “The prayer of the righteous is very powerful” — Don’t let this powerful promise go to waste for you or your family.

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