This doesn’t fit the popular narrative in culture these days but studies are showing that bigger families are actually better.  According to a new 5 year study from the Edith Cowan University in Australia, parents of families with four or more children were the most satisfied with their lives: enjoying life rather than feeling overwhelmed by the chaos a larger family can bring.

Bronwyn Harman, head researcher of the study, interviewed hundreds of parents over a period of five years for the study: families with a wide-variety of structures.  His goal was to find out how resilience, social support, and self-esteem contribute to parent’s happiness.  Typically if you have a larger family, the perception is negative.  However, Harmon found that these families truly benefit from the increased support.  Also children are able to learn responsibility early on, as they help with their siblings.

Truth Itself talked with Lauren Mauer about her own experiences from being one of five children growing up.  Listen to today’s program to hear the full interview!

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